35 Million Words
Analyzed Daily
Premium Plagiarism Checker
Get fast, accurate results to ensure originality and maintain trust in your content.
API & LMS integration
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Supports all text formats
Doc, Docx, Txt, Pdf
API & LMS integration
Free download
Supports all text formats
Doc, Docx, Txt, Pdf
Powerful Plagiarism & AI Detection System
Education Solutions
Awesome Solutions Tailored For
Check, verify, and ensure originality with ease.
35 Million Words
Analyzed Daily
Unmatched Features to Ensure Accurate Plagiarism & AI Detection
Our tools deliver precise results, helping you verify originality in no time.
How It Works
Effortless and accurate verification in just three simple steps.
Upload or paste your text into our secure system. We handle it all, whether it’s an essay, report, or online article.
Our advanced algorithms accurately analyze your content for originality and/or AI-generated text.
Get a detailed report with actionable insights to refine your document and ensure authenticity.
Multilanguage Platform
Check Your Content in Any Language
35 Million Words
Analyzed Daily
35 Million Words
Analyzed Daily
Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about PlagCheck?
We’ve compiled answers to the most common questions about our plagiarism and AI detection services. Explore our FAQ to get started quickly.
Do You Have different Question?
Contact our support team if you don’t find the answer you want!
Contact support teamWe support Word, PDF, and text files to ensure smooth uploads and reliable content analysis for every user.
Our system offers over 98% accuracy, providing precise and reliable plagiarism and AI detection results every time.
Reports are generated instantly, offering detailed feedback on originality and AI detection in just a few seconds.
We encrypt all uploads and do not store your files, ensuring maximum privacy and data security for all users.
Yes, our advanced algorithms accurately identify AI-generated content, helping you ensure content authenticity.
Our platform supports several languages, making it suitable for international users across various industries.
We scan academic papers, websites, and proprietary databases to provide comprehensive plagiarism detection results.
Yes, with our batch upload feature, you can upload and analyze multiple files simultaneously, saving you time.
Our platform supports documents of all sizes, ensuring flexibility for short and extensive files.
Our databases are updated frequently to ensure the most current and accurate plagiarism detection results.
Yes, we offer API integration, allowing seamless incorporation of our tools into your existing workflows.
Our free trial allows you to explore the platform’s features and experience its efficiency firsthand.
Our platform is fully optimized for mobile use, enabling you to easily check documents anytime, anywhere.
Take the guesswork out of originality
Try PlagCheck.com today and ensure your content is 100% authentic. Quick, accurate, and trusted worldwide
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